

发布时间:2020-02-23 人气:2948 所属分类:硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机 立即咨询



Special decelerator for Plastic Extruder

Series ZLYJ Decelerator with High Strength and Hard Tooth Surface


ZLYJ系列减速器是为塑料螺杆挤出机配套设计的高精度硬齿面带推力座的传动部件。产品设计采用了ZBJ19009-88所规定的各项技术规范。其特点是齿轮和轴类零件采用了高强度合金钢材质。齿轮经渗碳,淬火,磨齿工艺加工。齿轮精度为GB10095-88. 6级。齿面硬度HRC54-62.在空心输出轴前端配置有超规格的推力轴承,承受螺杆的工作后座力。轴承和油封等主要标准件皆采用国内优质产品,也可按用户需要,配装进口产品。整机具有体积小。承载能力高,传动平稳.噪声低,效率高等特点。产品性能已达到国际先进水平,可替代同类进口产品使用。

本系列产品中的规格和传动比为现有用户的常用数据。用户在选用时,可将螺杆的实际传动扭矩与表(2)所列许用输出扭矩相比较(表列扭矩已计入工况系数和安全系数,可1:1 直选),以输出扭矩为准选型。若需与橡胶挤出机配套,因橡胶挤出机冲击力较塑料强,请用户提出具体技术参数.向我厂咨询再确定选型。

Series ZLY Jdecelerator is a drive with high- precision and hard tooth surface and thrust bearing designed to match with screw extruder.It is designed according to the specifications in code ZBJ19009 88,leatured with high- strength alloy steels for gear wheel and shaft parts. The gear is treated with carburation,quenching and gear grinding. Gear wheel precision is GB10095-88. class 6.Tooth surface hardness is HRC54-62 A thrust bearing with over- specication is mounted on the front end of the hollow output shaft to carry back blow of screw Domestic quality products are selected for the standard parts such as bearing and oil seal that may also use imported products as required by customer.the whole unit is compacthas high carry capacity,provide stable drive with low noise and high efflciency.the performance of this product is upto the advanced level and a good substiute for imported products of the same kind.

The specifications and drive ratio for these series products is based on the common data currently used by users. To select the desirable productuser may compare the actual screw drive torque with the llowed output torque listed in table 2(The listed torque has llowed for work status factor safety factor and may be selected as 1:1),and use output torque as standard selection.If rubber estruder is needed for the matching,user is required to present detail specifications and consult with us before selection due to the fact that impact of rubber extruder is higher than that of plastic ones.

二、适用条件Service condition


1. Rotate speed of decelerator high-speed shaft no more than 1500r/min;


2. Ambient service temperature is 0-35'C. If the temperature is beyond this range, the lubricating heating or cooling device is supplied as required by user.

三、减速器代号和标志Decelerator code and earmark


Decelerator code is composed of type, output stage center distance;nominal drive ratio and assemblage mode.

标记示例Example of earmark


